Bev White

My name is Bev White and I am the CEO of Nash Squared, a £1.3bn global technology and talent solutions provider with 49 offices across the USA, Europe and Asia

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Technology, talent…and art

Four months ago, James Hilton – our FD in NashTech – suggested that we have a competition for our employees to create a piece of art that could proudly be displayed on the main wall in our reception area of Nash Squared HQ in London. I thought this was a great idea so we asked our employees across the world to submit their ideas. And we were blown away with the results.

Originally we only planned to display one piece of art, but when we saw the entries, it was obvious to us that all eight should be displayed – and so was born the Nash Squared Art Gallery.

Last Wednesday, June 19th, I was delighted to be joined by colleagues from across Nash Squared to take part in our grand opening. Have a look at our photo album here.

In these artworks you will find inspiration from India, Vietnam, Germany and the UK. You’ll even find one inspired by a lift journey in Nash Squared HQ! They all have stories, and you can read them in the brochure we have produced. But whatever the inspiration, what united them all was the sheer inventiveness and artistic skill in creating them.

Interestingly, three are real life physical artworks, two are digital photographs of the real world, and three are entirely digital in nature. This spread is wonderfully reflective of our own organisation that unites the real world of people, with the digital world of technology.    

I’m so pleased that we had the winner of the competition with us, Anna Mohren, who had flown over from Germany.

I’m constantly surprised, and proud, of the talent we have in Nash Squared. And now our reception area is a permanent reminder of that. Thank you to everyone who took part.


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A table with food on itDescription automatically generated

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