Bev White

My name is Bev White and I am the CEO of Nash Squared, a £1.3bn global technology and talent solutions provider with 49 offices across the USA, Europe and Asia

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Rainy Days

This week has delivered its fair share of rain. It’s been hard to believe it is still August and not November. I was in Antwerp in Belgium for 36 hours this week and they too shared some pretty heavy rain with me. Today in the UK, rain again!

The thing about rainy days is that they serve as a great reminder that you cannot rely on sunny days all of the time. We have to expect that things won’t always be as we want them, and when they’re not we need to find ways of being ok and doing well despite the change of conditions.  

For the first time since May, I found myself putting on a warm sweatshirt before I walked my dog Enzo, and also when I went to feed and take care of my two miniature donkeys, Timmy and Tux. The thing is that when you have animals looking to you for their care and wellbeing, a rainy day has to be navigated and can’t stop you doing what you need to do.  

It is no different when it comes to business life. We have spoken many times about the more challenging market conditions we have been working in for some time now. When our rainy days come and keep on showing up for a long period of time, we can easily lose sight of the many sunny days, months and years we had before that. I know I struggle with that sometimes too.  

But, just like I shared in this blog, we still need to get out there and navigate the rain.  

On rainy days in life we must show up differently or the experience will be uncomfortable and unpleasant. That is true in business too. In these rainy day conditions we work in now, our way of working has to be about efficiency in back office and all about business development and quickly converting opportunities to maximise our performance. That of course is also true on ‘sunny days’ but even more so when there are less opportunities coming to us to convert into revenue.  

I plan on keeping my umbrella close to hand, but I am hopeful that sunnier days are coming our way, after all they always do, and in the meantime lets go out there and make the most of the business ‘weather’ we have.  

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