Blog - We’re a family – let’s look out for each other
Happy Friday everyone! I hope everyone has been having a good week and that we have all found some time to be happy and feel like we have made a difference.
The world is a tough place to be sometimes and with Coronavirus in many countries at the moment, it is heavy on my mind that we have a responsibility to each other in so many ways, no matter what is going on around the globe.
What do I mean by this? I mean that we always need to look out for each other; simply asking how somebody is doing goes a long way to lifting spirits. After all none of us really know what is going on in each other’s lives and whether somebody is going through some difficult times personally.
The simple act of showing each other we genuinely care can mean a lot. This isn’t about simply Coronavirus, it stands up no matter what is happening in the world. For me, I think this is the true spirit of Harvey Nash Group - it feels like a family not just a business.
I also mean that we need to help and support each other to achieve our goals and commitments in the business. A key value for me, after caring, is accountability.
This is doing what we said we would do, no matter what. In these uncertain times, we will almost certainly come up against obstacles that we hadn’t anticipated. We cannot control the many things that will come up but, we can decide how we will respond.
In these times, we need to draw on all of our resources and find ways to overcome challenges and to anticipate and plan how we can find new ways of getting our commitments honoured. I have seen this ‘can do’ attitude wherever I look in Harvey Nash Group, and it’s one of the many reasons why we have been so successful through the years. We will need this skill in abundance in the times ahead and I know we can count on each other for this.
I have also been thinking about the value of resilience in these times. The ability to bounce back when something tough and unexpected happens that really asks of us to be our best selves. I know that if I have had a tough day, just taking some time out to be kind to myself helps me bounce back stronger than ever the next day.
So, let’s look out for each other, do the great work we always do and in the true Harvey Nash Group spirit with care, style and pride.
I have been In London, Brussels and Antwerp and this week. Taking time out with the teams in these great cities to look back and celebrate our achievements and share plans that we have to grow in our markets has been so energising to see and hear. We have so much to be excited and optimistic about.
Whilst in the London office I was happy to meet with colleagues over from Poland, (a special hello to Puyan, Agnieszka, Borys, Yana, Katarzyna and Wiktoria.).
Our Polish teams are so essential to enable us to grow our recruitment business and to attract our own great talent. These teams will help us with both.
In the London Technology Recruitment Kick off, it was a highly interactive and impactful afternoon.
For me, hearing the history of the Harvey Nash timeline brought to life, alongside key world and technology milestones over the last 32 years, was fantastic.
We have come so far and achieved so much over this time and yet I can’t help but feel that this is only the beginning of our story and the time ahead of us will be even better. The teams are full of ambition and commitment to growing the business.
Visiting the Brussels and Antwerp offices was a delight. Meeting more of our talented and ambitious Harvey Nash family energised me so much.
Hearing about of Junior Classes, the work we do in our Contracting and Permanent recruitment, seeing the commitment first hand of the back office who work seamlessly with the teams and offices to get the work done, I am so excited about what we can do together.
Our new Antwerp office is gorgeous, set right on the waterside. It is bright, bold and full of energy, and this is where we held the Belgium kick off.
Let me finish off this week’s blog by wishing everyone a refreshing weekend and let’s look after each other in the times ahead.