The Journey to Net Zero: Carbon Removal strategies with Hans Westerhof

The Journey to Net Zero: Carbon Removal strategies with Hans Westerhof

Today we are joined by Hans Westerhof, Co-founder & Managing Director at remove.
In this episode of Tech Talks, Hans Westerhof, co-founder and Managing Director of Remove, discusses the importance of carbon dioxide removal in achieving net zero emissions. Together we explore various methods used to capture and store CO2, including nature-based solutions like planting trees and technological solutions like vacuum cleaners that filter CO2 from the air. Hans highlights the challenges faced by the industry, such as high costs and the need for infrastructure development. There is huge importance in reducing emissions alongside carbon removal efforts and David and Han discuss the emerging market for carbon removal credits, which companies can buy to offset their carbon footprint. Hans provides insights into the future of carbon dioxide removal and the role of startups in developing innovative solutions to combat climate change.


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