Nash Squared to make charity donation as winner of annual World Games is announced
Tuesday 27th June – Nash Squared, the global leader in technology and talent solutions, celebrated the end of their annual World Games competition and announced the winning team which was the team covering Australia, Singapore and Japan.
The Nash Squared World Games sees employees of the organisation aim to collect as many points as possible by taking part in over 40 different types of activities including running, cycling, walking, swimming, dancing, yoga and tennis across a three week period.

The points are worked out based on how many kilometres are covered or the length of each activity, and everything is logged in the GoJoe social fitness app to keep track of what everybody is doing.
The team that on average had the most points was team Australia/Singapore/Japan and their prize is to donate £1000 to a charity of their choice.
Across the Nash Squared business, each participant logged on average 13 activities, 70 points, over 15 hours of exercise and 49km. Over 3.1 million calories were burned across the Games as a whole.

We’ve put together a video to relive the best bits of the Nash Squared World Games 2023, and we can’t wait to do it all again next year!!!