Mitigating Gender Bias in Recruitment
In recognition of International Women’s Day, Victor Reis, Consultant and Chartered Occupational Psychologist at Alumni discusses the facts around gender bias and how best to mitigate against it within the context of recruitment.
He discusses the difficulty of overcoming bias, and the importance of changing processes and methods to support equality rather than relying on trying to change how people think.
The struggle for gender parity
Whilst society is becoming more progressive, the movement towards gender equality has in reality slowed down over time, as shown in the Gender Inequality Index tracked in the UN Human Development Report[1].
There is even evidence that the pandemic has led to some metrics going into reverse[2]. Whilst many analyses are based on binary gender information, we recognise that the issues faced hold true for non-binary as well as transgender individuals.
You can read the full article on Alumni's website here.